The terms that we use in our offer can be found at the end of this document for your reference. If anything in the offer is unclear to you, please contact us at This is a proposal by Individual Entrepreneur Ioulia Tonkonogova (hereinafter referred to as the "Seller") to conclude a Remote Contract under the following terms:

General Conditions
1.1. Purchase of Goods: You can purchase goods on our website. We deliver the goods to a transportation company for shipment within 7 (seven) working days. You can cancel your purchase at any time within 7 (seven) days after receipt. Money will be refunded minus the cost of shipping from you to us, if we will be covering the payment. To be eligible for a return, the product must retain its consumer properties, appearance, and be accompanied by a document confirming receipt/payment.
1.2. Delivery The delivery of our goods is handled by the company CDEK, and delivery charges are separate and not included in the product's price. The delivery time is determined by the transportation company.

Subject of the Contract
2.1. The Seller provides:
Sale of goods; The Buyer accepts and pays for the goods in accordance with the terms of the Offer.
2.2. Orders are placed remotely via the Internet. To place an order and manage it further, the Seller may use electronic messaging systems (messengers, internet services) specified on the Seller's website.
2.3. Descriptions and conditions of purchasing goods are posted on the Seller's website.
2.4. The sale proceeds as follows:
2.4.1. The Buyer:
– selects the product;
– fills out the personal information form;
– selects a payment method and pays.
2.4.2. The Seller:
– contacts the Buyer using the contact details provided during payment or takes other actions depending on the Buyer's choice.

Acceptance of the Offer and Conclusion of the Contract
3.1. After reading the Offer and agreeing to its terms, the offer can be accepted in the following manner: by making a 100% payment.
3.2. The moment of concluding the sales contract is the moment of payment.

Procedure and Conditions for Contract Performance
4.1. The moment of contract performance on the part of the Seller is the moment of transferring the goods to the transportation company.
4.2. Along with the goods, the Buyer receives instructions, accessories if available, and an information memo about the return conditions.
4.3. Upon receiving the goods, the Buyer is obligated to inspect and accept them in terms of quality, quantity, and assortment. In case of any complaints, the Buyer must inform the Seller via email at and/or through a messenger (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram) at the phone number: +7 916 721-65-98 at the time of delivery. If it is not possible to contact the Seller, the Buyer, in the presence of a representative of the transportation company, takes photos and prepares a Defect Report listing the complaints, which is signed by those present. In the absence of complaints from the Buyer regarding quality, quantity, and assortment at the time of receipt, the Contract on the part of the Seller is considered to be fulfilled in accordance with the terms of the Offer and the conditions posted on the website.
4.4. Complaints/claims from the Buyer must include full name, passport data, mailing address, and the nature of the claims.
4.5. Delivery times are determined by the transportation company.

Rights and Obligations of the Parties
5.1. The Seller is obligated to:
– 5.1.1. Fulfill the terms of the Offer;
– 5.1.2. Ensure the security of the Buyer's personal data.
5.2. The Seller has the right to:
– 5.2.1. Refuse to fulfill the obligations under the Contract or suspend the performance of the Contract unilaterally without compensation for losses, including moral damage, by notifying the Buyer in the following cases: a) Detection of false information provided by the Buyer; b) Inability to contact the Buyer using the contact details provided to the Seller for a period of 3 (three) calendar days. In this case, it is considered that the Contract is not concluded, and the Buyer is duly notified. In these cases, the Seller refunds the money minus expenses, including banking and agency commissions.
– 5.2.2. Engage third parties at their discretion to fulfill the Contract.
5.3. The Buyer is obligated to:
– 5.3.1. Provide accurate information about themselves to the Seller.
– 5.3.2. Familiarize themselves with the terms of the offer and the Privacy Policy regarding personal data processing before accepting the Offer.
5.4. The Buyer has the right to:
– 5.4.1. Receive the product in accordance with the description posted on the Seller's website;
– 5.4.2. Unilaterally refuse to fulfill the Contract at any time and receive a refund under the following conditions:
– Before the goods are handed over to the transportation company, the money is refunded minus banking commissions;
– After the goods are handed over to the transportation company and within 7 (seven) calendar days after receipt, the money is refunded minus the cost of returning the goods from the Buyer to the Seller if the Buyer did not pay for the return shipping. Money is transferred after the product has been sent to the Seller's address.

Duration and Amendment of Conditions
6.1. The Offer comes into effect from the moment it is posted on the Internet on the Seller's website and is valid until the Seller withdraws the Offer. The Buyer independently monitors changes in the terms of the Offer and the Privacy Policy regarding personal data processing; posting such changes on the Internet on the Seller's website constitutes sufficient and proper notification.

Guarantees and Liability
7.1. By agreeing to the terms of the offer (making an acceptance), the Buyer consents to the processing of the Buyer's personal data by the Seller and to the actions provided for by Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006, "On Personal Data," by any means necessary for the conclusion and performance of the Contract. The terms of personal data processing are posted on the Seller's website in the Privacy Policy regarding personal data processing.
7.2. The Parties are relieved of liability for partial or complete non-performance of obligations under this Contract if such non-performance resulted from force majeure circumstances.
7.3. The Seller is not responsible for delays in delivery by the transportation company.

Other Terms and Conditions
8.1. The Contract, its conclusion, and performance are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.2. Correspondence in electronic messaging systems (messengers, email, etc.) is considered legally significant and has the force of a simple electronic signature. This means that everything written will be considered as evidence. Notifications, claims, and responses to them, statements provided by the offer, and other documents are agreed to be sent to the email addresses and phone numbers specified in the details and on the Seller's website and as specified by the Buyer during payment or registration on the website.
8.3. You can familiarize yourself with the rules of distance selling and the consumer protection law and send us questions, wishes, and even complaints to the address:
Seller's Details Individual Entrepreneur Yulia Mikhailovna Tonkonogova TIN: 774318871900 Bank: TOCHKA PJSC BANK "FC OPEN JOINT-STOCK COMPANY," Account: 40802810802500098732 Correspondent Account: 30101810845250000999, BIC: 044525999 Place of Registration: Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 46 in Moscow Date of Registration: December 20, 2017 Address: 1st Zachatievsky Lane, 13/6, 119034 Email: Working Hours (Contact Hours): from 10:00 to 18:00 (Moscow Time) on business days Date of Posting: [Date] 2023

The terms of the Offer are used in the following meanings:
"Offer" - this document,
"Public Offer for Conclusion of a Contract Remotely," posted on the Internet;
"Acceptance of the Offer, accept" - unconditional acceptance of the terms of the offer and confirmation that the Buyer has read the offer and understood everything in it. If something in the terms of the offer is unclear, please write your questions to the following address: ___
"Contract" - a contract between the Seller and the Buyer, which is concluded through the Acceptance of the Offer by the Buyer. The Contract grants rights and obligations to the Seller and the Buyer as specified in this Offer;
"Buyer" - any adult capable natural person acting in their own interests and on their own behalf or in the interests of a third party.
"Parties" - the Buyer and the Seller together;
"Goods" - products offered for sale on the Seller's website;
"Seller's Website" -
If the offer uses terms that are not listed in paragraph 1 of the Terminology, the terms are interpreted based on the meaning of the offer, applicable laws, and commonly accepted meanings. If anything in the terms of the offer is unclear, please write your questions to the following address: