Improper storage or use of accessories may lead to damage or spoilage of their appearance, so Hairmates products require careful handling and special care.
We have compiled some tips to help extend the life of your accessories so that they bring you joy for many years.

  • requires gentle hand washing in cool water without the use of aggressive detergents.
  • ironing textile accessories is prohibited.
  • products should be protected from moisture and cosmetic, perfume, or household products.
  • If skincare or decorative cosmetics get on the product, gentle washing is recommended within 24 hours after soiling.
HORN (natural material)
  • products made of natural horn should be protected from falls and friction.
  • products should be protected from moisture and cosmetic, perfume, or household products.
  • in a bag, horn accessories are recommended to be stored in a special case or separate pocket.
  • avoid the use of a hairdryer and hot air on the products.

Why can horn change shape?

Horn is not a flat material, but a round one, it bends and twists. To make a flat piece of horn, we heat the horn and flatten it, depriving it of its natural shape. If the horn is subsequently heated or dried, for example, it was in the sun or near a heater or even room temperature, then the horn may start to bend back to its natural shape, meaning it may bend and deform.
10% of flat horn products will return to their natural shape within the first year. This is a natural process that does not affect the functionality of the products.

Hairmates metal accessories are gold-plated or silver-plated. Therefore, the care rules are similar to recommendations for caring for jewelry.
  • products should be protected from moisture and cosmetic, perfume, or household products.
  • stains and streaks should be removed with a dry soft cloth.
  • accessories are recommended to be cleaned with special solutions for gold-plated and silver-plated items, after which they should be wiped dry with a soft cloth or napkin.
  • avoid the use of a hairdryer and hot air on the products.
  • gold-plated or silver-plated items should be stored separately from each other, in a closed box, case, or drawer and protected from direct sunlight and water.
  • it is not recommended to store items in the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity.